Bespoke Workshops and Talks
Holly takes great delight in sharing her research and experience in creativity and mental health by designing bespoke workshops and playful interactive talks for universities, organisations, businesses, conferences and events.
Whether you're programming a conference, looking for a lecturer, seeking a guest speaker / facilitator, or organising an Away Day Training, Holly is happy to chat.
Talks and Workshops
Holly’s range of topics includes:
- Clown-O-Therapy; Holly's own synthesis of clowning, mindfulness and reflection to support mental health.
- Mindful Play; using mindfulness, play and reflection to access the healing potential of play, flow, spontaneity, connection.
- The Inner Critic Inquiry; creative approaches to working with the sabotaging voice in your head.
- Stage fright; what it is, where it comes from and how to move beyond it.
Holly can offer an exploration of these topics as a performance lecture, a workshop, an informal chat or a mix of the above. Feel free to get in touch to commission your own bespoke talk or workshop.
You can watch Holly's TEDx Bristol talk, How Clowning Can Lead Us Into Connection here.
Holly's away-day trainings are available for businesses, companies and community groups. They are always bespoke, highly-structured and have pre-agreed outcomes. Through guided mindfulness, play and reflection, Holly can help your team to:
- Release laughter and inhibitions
- Increase empathy and compassion
- Cultivate more connection, trust and support
- Unleash creativity and imagination
- Build up the confidence to be seen and heard
- Take risks to step out of their comfort zones
- Explore and improve group dynamics
- Invite more pleasure and play into the workplace
Holly can create a training to suit your needs, from a 2-hour laughter and play shake out to a full-day's playful investigation of whatever themes or issues are pertinent to your group.
See also Holly's Creative Consultancy and Supervision page here.
Previous Clients
- Podcast guest - Big Juicy Creative, The Quarrantini, This Playfull Life, Play Connect, Clownversations
- Panelist / chair Clown Power Live - three online discussions about clowning
- Facilitator for NHS Somerset arts therapists
- Speaker / Facilitator at Taking Flight Happiness Symposium
- Visiting Lecturer at Exeter University
- Facilitator for NHS Bristol Doctors in training
- Speaker at TEDx Bristol
- Panel member at The Wellcome Institute's Play Symposium
- Keynote speaker at Dramatherapy Wales Conference
- Panel member / Open Space facilitator at Equity Southwest's Mental Health Conference
- Clown In Residence at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery
- Lecturer and Module Creator at Bath Spa University
- Panel member at The Clown and Power Symposium
- Facilitator at London Speciality School of Psychiatry
- Guest lecturer at University of the Highlands
- Visiting practitioner at Eden Court Theatre
- Course leader for Educircation European Social Circus Project
- Visiting lecturer for Southwest School of Dramatherapy
- Away day training for Dancevoice
- Speaker at Network of International Circus Exchange (NICE) Conference
- Trainer for Performers Without Borders, Circus To Borders and Circus To Palestine
- Guest lecturer at Winchester University
- Contributor at Dramatherapy South West Conference
- Speaker at The Psychedelic Society.
For a fuller list of Holly's previous clients click here.
For a peek inside Holly's massive toolkit click here.
For a list of Holly's off-the-peg workshops click here.