Site Responsive Fooling Poems
May 09 2022

Holly Stoppit Workshops Poet In Residence, Beccy Golding strikes again!
We were very lucky to have Beccy amongst our tribe of fools on our new 5-day Site Responsive Fooling course over Easter. She documented her week by writing a poem every day.
You'll find the poems below and then you can have a peek over here at a collection of photos form our last day of Fools School.
Beccy has been writing a poem every day for a whole year as part of her Arts Council Funded 'Developing Your Creative Practice' project.
You can find her on instagram @fridayispoetsday

Monday 18th April 2022
I have drunk in too much
I am too full to settle
too inspired to write yet
still digesting
it is all still permitting
into every cell

Tuesday 19th April 2022
Some days
I love to tip over a chair
as I walk by

Wednesday 20th April 2022
My shoulders
are heavy
with shoulds

Thursday 21st April 2022
my tears are the ocean
in the ocean are adventures and
rhythms and lives and lifelines and
life buoys to keep us buoyant

Friday 22nd April 2022
I learned early
to speak in the right voice.
Want me to write?
I will write like you.
Need me to explain?
I get you - I can do.
Require your demands to be fulfilled?
I am able to do this too.
Little me is very skilled
in how to adapt and perform -
reading the room,
learning how to be - quicksmart
so you will be pleased
and we will not get hurt

Saturday 23rd April 2022
Mycorrhizal uprisings
rising up, connecting invisibly
the strands that become visible
when they twine together
the strands that become seeable
and strong when they twine
like spider webs
stronger than you could imagine
Massive thanks to Beccy for sharing her words with us all.
You can read more of Beccy's poems on this blog and you can find her on instagram @fridayispoetsday
To check out photos of our final day at fools school, check out this blog.