Rare chance to attend a Holly workshop!
Oct 20 2023

Last weekend, I shared some of my Fools tools with a lovely group in Stroud (see pic above). It felt great to be back in the room, and fascinating to notice the differences in my facilitation after a year of regular meditation. I’ve really slowed down, which makes more space for unexpected themes to emerge. Who knew?
I’m really keen to offer more in-person workshops. In fact, I have decided to run a Creative Clarity weekend on the 9th and 10th December for cheaps in Bristol, so that I can 1.) continue to explore this new slower pace and 2.) gather photos and footage to help local hosts explain to people what Creative Clarity is.
What is Creative Clarity?
Creative Clarity is a new weekend workshop, born out of everything I’ve experienced during my sabbatical. Creative Clarity aims to help people to access the wisdom contained within their bodies, emotions and thoughts through stepping into a series of flexible, creative containers. There will be invitations for movement, meditation, play, creative reflection and structured supportive dialogue.
Participants will have opportunities galore to rumble with whatever themes feel pertinent to them, plus the group workshop doubles up as a rich training ground for people who want to develop their skills around holding space for others.
The biggest thing to have come out of my sabbatical is a strong desire to bring more sustainability into my work on all levels. My dream is to travel around the UK and beyond with the Creative Clarity workshop, facilitating communities to learn a shared language of spacious, person-centred support, so that they can help each other to thrive. I want to work with hosts who will hire a space in their local area and gather a group of peers, friends or colleagues together, then I will show up to facilitate the workshop.
To make this happen, I need photos and footage so that people can get a feel for the workshop. So I’ve decided to run it myself in Bristol on the 9th and 10th December and invite a photographer / videographer to capture some of what happens.
Participants needed!
So that future participants can see themselves represented in the images, I’m looking for a balance of women, men and non-binary people, some older and some younger people and people of different ethnic backgrounds.
Dates: 9th and 10th December 2023
Times: Saturday and Sunday 9.45am-6pm
Venue: St Werburghs, Bristol (more details after booking is confirmed)
Cost: £160 (supporter) / £120 (standard) / £80 (supported)
More info about Creative Clarity Workshop here.
Application form here.
Deadline for applications: 10th November 2023
If you're interested in hosting this workshop in 2024, check out this page.