One-to-one Sessions For Autumn 2023
Sep 05 2023

For a limited period, you can book a series of one-one-one, hour-long Creative Clarity, Supervision or Creative Consultancy sessions, online with Holly Stoppit.
For info about Holly's one-to-ones for Jan-April 2024, go here.
For info about Holly's Creative Clarity group workshops, go here.
Holly's one-to-one sessions are open to anyone who wants to explore themselves, their work, their creativity, or their path.
Holly is delighted to accompany a small selection of individuals into the unknown with her curiosity and compassion wide open. As a responsive facilitator, therapist and supervisor, Holly is offering a range of modalities for your exploration, including: dramatherapy, embodiment, movement, meditation, focussing, reflective writing, artwork and structured dialogue - taking inspiration from The Thinking Environment, Compassionate Inquiry, Action Learning, The Clearness Committee, Nonviolent Communication and Internal Family Systems.
What’s the difference between Creative Clarity, Supervision and Creative Consultancy?
Creative Clarity
Creative Clarity is a dynamic, flexible, responsive form of therapy, which uses creative approaches to help you get in touch with you inner guide and find answers for life’s big conundrums. More about Creative Clarity here.
One-to-one reflective sessions for therapists, facilitators, directors, teachers or anyone else who holds space for groups of adults. Using creative approaches to focus on your practice, unpicking what's been happening in the room, building on your strengths as a leader and cultivating more safety and play. More about Supervision here.
Creative Consultancy
For individuals wanting to explore their creative practice, from exploring the early stages of a creative idea, to working through a creative block, to evaluating creative projects, to drawing back and getting some perspective on your creative path. More about Creative Consultancy here.
Who is Holly Stoppit and where’s this one-to-one offer coming from?
Holly is a facilitator, dramatherapist, clinical supervisor and creative consultant who for many years specialised in clowning and fooling (solo impro where you embody all the voices in your head) as a way to explore the human condition. More about Holly’s background here.
This autumn, Holly is returning back to the world after a year’s sabbatical, where she’s been living and working at a meditation retreat centre in Devon. A year of sitting in meditation and living in conscious community has given Holly a tonne of insight about herself; she’s become increasingly intimate with her grief, her joy, her relationship with work, her patterns in relating, her hopes and dreams, her fears and blocks.
Throughout the year, Holly took all of this insight into self- and peer-led embodied / movement inquiry, reflective writing, environmental arts therapy and structured creative dialogue. This rich mix of meditation and creative exploration led to a heap of healing, a stronger sense of inner resilience and a new found sense of spaciousness, freedom and trust. You can read about some of Holly’s explorations here.
During the year, Holly often experienced great shifts through tuning into her inner voices (ie the inner child, the inner critic, the inner punk, etc) and giving them space to express what was going on for them and what they needed. This is something Holly’s been doing for the last 20 years thanks to Franki Anderson who introduced Holly to Fooling.
During her dramatherapy Masters study (2010-2013), as well creating ‘Clown-o-therapy’, Holly explored Fooling as a therapeutic tool, discovering the work of Landy (Role Method) and Hal and Sidra Stone (Voice Dialogue) along the way. Parts work has played an important role in Holly’s therapeutic work ever since. Holly believes that we are all made up of many parts and these parts do not always see eye to eye with each other. The tension this creates can cause considerable distress. Holly’s work offers ways of skilfully turning attention towards the warring parts and getting to know them through imagination, embodiment, artwork and writing.
As part of her Creative Arts Supervision training (2021-22), Holly dived into another form of parts work, Internal Family Systems (IFS), reading every book and attending every online seminar she could. During her year at the meditation retreat, Holly tried out many IFS techniques on herself and was so impressed with the simplicity and potency of IFS, that she decided to undergo the IFS level one training, which finishes in October 2023.
Holly is excited to find out how IFS integrates with the rest of her massive creative/reflective toolkit via one-to-one online Creative Clarity, Creative Supervision and Creative Consultancy. Holly is especially interested in guiding individuals through multi-session journeys, in order to support a deeper level of inquiry and to help embed new healthy habits and plans.
For info about Holly's one-to-ones for Jan-April 2024, go here.
Sign up to Holly's mailing list below to be amongst the first to hear about dates for more one-to-ones.
If you're interested in hosting Holly's to run a Creative Clarity group workshop in your area, go here.