Looking Back At 2024

Jan 01 2025

Holly Stoppit
Image credit: Holly lying on the floor, laughing by Saskia Solomons

2024: A year of relentless experimentation, research and development: on a quest to find more sustainability in work and life. 


As 2024 began, I was only 3-months back into work, after having taken a sabbatical from July 2022-October 2023. During my time off, I’d spent a year volunteering at a meditation retreat centre in rural Devon, before travelling around visiting friends and family and finally training in Internal Family Systems (IFS), a form of parts-based therapy. This time out from running my own workshops gave me extraordinary insights into the roots of my habitual patterns of over-work and burnout. I emerged with a clear commitment: to find a more steady way to live and work!

In 2024, I planned to try out various types of work and different living situations, reflecting on how they made me feel. I wanted to know: What feeds and what drains me? What makes my heart sing? What extra boundaries and support can I put in place to make sure I don’t fall back into my old patterns of burnout as a life-style choice? I was hoping to find the formula to living a life free of burnout by the end of 2024!

Here follows an outline of my 2024 workshops, courses and projects and what I learned along the way. It turned into a very long blog! If you haven’t got time to read the whole thing, here’s the highlights: 

  • I continued offering one-to-one therapy, supervision and therapy online and loved every minute of it.
  • I really enjoyed facilitating two intensive one-to-one therapeutic processes in real life - more of this please!
  • I created and delivered a LOT of new workshops - both through Holly Stoppit Workshops and as a guest facilitator.
  • I discovered many ways to integrate Internal Family Systems (IFS) into my toolkit of embodied play and creative reflection.
  • IFS is helping me find more steadiness in my facilitation. 
  • IFS brought me back to Fooling (a form of solo impro where you embody all the voices in your head). 
  • Fooling + IFS are very compatible and have a lot to offer each other, I want to keep exploring this potent mix.
  • I touched back in with Clowning and got clear that if I am to return to teaching clowning, I want to offer much longer, slower, deeper courses.
  • It turns out, whatever courses I run next, I want them to be longer, slower and deeper!
  • I found lots of opportunities to take my work outdoors, responding to nature with play, mindfulness and personal reflection - more of this please!
  • It became clear that I want to put more focus on the facilitation training strand of my work.
  • 2024 was a year of opening to collaboration and co-facilitation - this felt really supportive and exciting, more please!
  • I wrote a LOT of blogs - I love writing, don’t I?
  • I moved house a LOT of times.
  • I’m really grateful for the HUGE amounts of support I received from a variety of teachers, facilitators, supervisors, therapists and friends.

Online One-to-ones

In 2024 I offered one-to-one therapy, supervision and creative consultancy to 42 people online. Some worked with me on a specific topic for a term, some popped in for the odd one-off and lots of people stayed with me for the whole year. 

I absolutely love this work, it’s such an incredible honour to accompany people into the far corners of their hearts, minds and souls, to bear witness to their discoveries, to celebrate, commiserate or simply just be alongside them wherever they are. Every person I have worked with has taught me something valuable and opened my eyes to another way of looking at this being human thing. 

One-to-one work feels really sustainable for me, I am able to stay centred, grounded and manage my energy through my one-to-one days, in a way that’s much more challenging for me to do in group situations. I’ve discovered through trial and error that I have a limit to how many clients I can see in a day, I mean having grown up in the circus, I can work like a donkey, but for 2025 I am choosing to keep some energy for life outside of work!

In person one-to-one work

In 2024 I got to facilitate not one, but two incredible 2-day therapeutic processes for two different artists in-person, in London and Bristol. Both artists were at significant turning points in their careers and asked me to facilitate two very different embodied inquiries, combining Fooling and IFS, to help them prepare for their transitions. I wrote a blog about what happened in the first process.

I loved the immediacy and responsiveness of this work. I’d facilitated processes like this in the past, but having the extra IFS toolkit allowed me to steer a much steadier ship, helping me to manage my energy and help them manage theirs. I’d be open to doing more bespoke full-days facilitation like this in 2025, if you have something you want to work on, let me know!

Creative Clarity 

I started 2024 with a clear intention: to offer my Creative Clarity workshops to as many people, in as many places as I could! Creative Clarity is a dynamic, embodied form of inquiry, which aims to help you get in touch with your own inner guide and find answers for life’s big conundrums. I designed this workshop as a way to bring together all the fruits of my sabbatical: meditation, embodiment, creativity, deep reflection, and Internal Family Systems, to help people to discover what’s true for them.

The dream in 2024 was to tour Creative Clarity all over the UK and beyond - to equip communities with creative and compassionate communication skills so that they could offer each other warm and spacious peer support, long after the workshops ended. I reached out for local hosts to support me to tour the workshop, but after many conversations, no-one was prepared to take on the hosting role. So back to the drawing board went I! Eager to share my delicious selection box of tools and techniques for reflection, I decided to organise three versions of Creative Clarity myself, in January and February - one online and two in person, in Cardiff and Bristol. Here’s a blog from the online version of Creative Clarity, featuring a collective chat box poem.

I really enjoyed sharing the treasures of my sabbatical, but both the 4-week online evening course and the 2-day in-person workshop felt too short and too full. There was a lot of theory I wanted to impart, which didn’t leave as much spacious time for exploration, tangental play or integration as I would have liked. 

Creative Clarity is still available to book - I would love to offer it as a longer course/retreat or as a weekend workshop for existing groups of colleagues, peers or friends, so that the skills can be regularly practiced and used to deepen and broaden support networks. Many of the elements of Creative Clarity will make it into The Well-Held Space, my 3-month Creative Facilitation course, starting in January 2025.

Back to Fooling!

Holly Stoppit
Image credit: Holly and the Fool + IFS research lab / by Saskia Solomons

In April 2024 I returned back to teaching Fooling, a form of solo improvisation where the performer gets to meet and play with the cast of characters who normally live inside their head. I was interested to discover how my training in Internal Family Systems (IFS) would impact how I teach Fooling, so I offered two 5-day workshops: my classic ‘Introduction to Fooling’ and a new Fooling / IFS research lab for experienced Fools, co-facilitated with IFS practitioner and theatre maker, Saskia Solomons. 

Fooling 5-days

Learning my lessons from the content-heavy Creative Clarity weekend, I stripped out a good chunk of the content from my 5-day ‘Introduction to Fooling,’ leaving more space for reflection, integration and The Unknown. The results were phenomenal; the participants gained a sense of ease, spaciousness and depth and I found that I had energy for life outside of work. That’s never been the case in the ten years I’ve been teaching this course! I have many memories of practically crawling home on my hands and knees, shoving food in my face and collapsing for the night, but this time I was able to connect with friends in the evenings and even do fun things on the weekend after the course. Unheard of! 

Here’s how one of the participants described their time at Fools School:

“Safely supported, by Holly, Aisha [the assistant] and the group we journeyed into a space of wisdom, truth and play. Noticing what was there and letting it be. A wonderful wobbly reminder of the beauty of humans and their capacity to have everything, everywhere and all at once…. It felt expansive and luxurious.”

The Fool + IFS Lab 

We were blessed with an incredible group made up of deep diving Fools who have been on many of my courses before. Already having the language of Fooling meant we could hit the ground running, layering IFS on top of our beloved art-form. Saskia offered chunks of IFS theory each day and we found a plethora of ways to bring the theory into the body through creativity and play, before smashing IFS together with Fooling in a variety of fascinating experiments. Here’s a blog I wrote outlining some of what happened.

As a habitual Lone Wolf practitioner, it felt like a big risk to co-facilitate a 5-day workshop, but I chose to co-facilitate with Saskia as an experiment in sustainable facilitation. We’d been working and playing together for a few years and we both had the language of IFS, which meant we could talk about and resolve any worries, fears or conflicts we had between us; something I’ve not been able to do with many collaborators, and a big reason why I have been a Lone Wolf practitioner for so many years. 

Saskia brought so much knowledge, creativity, compassion and care to the process and having two of us facilitating, meant we were able to split the group, giving the players more solo stage time, allowing them to go deeper into their investigations. This positive experience of co-facilitation opened the doors to more collaborations during 2024.

We created the course as we went along, which was both brilliant and bonkers! Each evening Saskia and I stayed up late, reviewing the day and designing the next day's activities, whilst cooking dinner and trying to take care of ourselves. I was completely exhausted by the end of the week, but absolutely delighted by what the Fools had discovered. If we were to run this course again, we agreed that we’d like more planning and play time together before the course starts and more support during the workshop (maybe make it a residential retreat with a chef?!).

Mindful Play

Holly Stoppit
Image credit: Participants of Mindful Play trying to blow malteasters in the air / Holly Stoppit

By May, word was getting ‘round that I was back in business and I was getting A LOT of demand for my old but gold ‘Introduction To Clowning’ weekend. I’d put this workshop into semi-retirement during the pandemic, due to the impossibility of offering the whole thing online. Instead, I co-designed a bunch of new online clown workshops with Robyn Hambrook, under the banner of The Online Clown Academy. By the time it was possible to come back to offering workshops in real life, the world had changed and so had I! 

My Introduction to Clowning weekend was a bulging treasure chest of exquisite content and I loved every part of it, but I was no longer willing to cram so much material into one weekend. I wanted to give the participants more space for insight and integration and I wanted to give myself the chance of having a life outside work! My year out strengthened my resolve, but the demand for my flagship workshop only increased. 

I decided to create a series of three new Mindful Play weekend workshops for May, June and July, to take the place of Intro To Clown. Mindful Play had many of the elements from my Intro to Clown weekend - meditation to help people connect with their bodies, hearts and minds, breath work to help people relax and release, joyful expressive sound-making and movement to help people connect with each other and sensory exploration to help people connect with the world in non-habitual ways - but with less of the performance element and more creative reflection. I wrote a blog that unpacked some of my musings around the transition from Intro to Clown to Mindful Play.

Mindful Play was a great opportunity for me to draw on my tried and tested toolkit whilst giving myself permission to facilitate in a more spontaneous, responsive way and weaving in elements of Internal Family Systems and nature connection. Here’s how the participants described it:

“Deep therapeutic fun” 

“A really lovely collaborative and transformative space.” 

Mindful play is still available to book if you’d like to host it where you live, and I will use elements of these discoveries in other workshops (I already have) - but my main takeaway was this - I want to offer deeper, longer trainings! I want to take people on creative and embodied journeys of self discovery and in order to create the safety for a deep dive, I need more time than a weekend workshop!


Holly Stoppit
Image credit: Angela's wonderful tent, Buzzing 2024 / Holly Stoppit

In June I got to co-facilitate two beautiful day-long retreats in Somerset with my dear friend and long-time collaborator, Angela Hill. This was part of ‘BUZZING,’ a series of outdoor retreats that Angela was providing for women to explore rest, play and connect with nature. 

Angela had been exploring a light-touch style of facilitation that involves making a range of offers and empowering women to say, “yes,” “no,” or “I’d prefer to do it like this!” This aligned with my love of compassionate anarchy, so together we had a ball! I especially enjoyed working outdoors, co-creating sensory games and exercises that responded to nature around and within us.

Wise Women

Holly Stoppit
Image credit: Wise Women draped on rocks

In July I was invited to offer a bespoke version of my 5-day Fooling course to a group of incredible women in Cardiff. This was a Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru / Arts Council Wales funded project, exploring the narratives of a group of women therapists, artists & archaeologists, offering an opportunity to discover what the archetype of ‘The Crone’ means, through a holistic collaborative process.

They invited me in for the first week to help them develop a shared language of Fooling, before I handed over the reins to lead artist and facilitator, Dominique Fester to continue the exploration. With only 5 of them in the group, I was able to be more spacious and responsive in my facilitation, following the energy and changing needs of the group. We explored what it is to be a wise woman through play, embodiment, stage work, movement, voice, meditation, sensory, nature-connected and site-responsive exploration and discussion. It was so nourishing to be amongst a coven of deep-thinking, compassionate, creative, ridiculous women. 

Clown-o-therapy 6-day workshop

Holly Stoppit
Image credit: All the clown teachers at Ravensburger Summer Clown School

In August, I was commissioned by Ravenesburger Clown School in Germany to create a 6-day version of my clown-o-therapy course for their annual Summer School. For the last 11 years, organisers, Andreas and Sabine have been inviting a handful of different clown teachers to offer week-long workshops to their ever growing community of clowns, clown doctors and clown enthusiasts. 

It was so heartwarming to come back to clowning after such a long break, and German Clowns are great fun! I loved their dedication, depth, and stupidity. Oh and their punctuality! Having 6 days really suited my changing style of facilitation; wanting to offer more spaciousness and depth, I didn’t offer much more clowning content that I would have in my Introduction to Clowning weekend, but spread it over 6 days. This allowed exercises to go on longer and made more space for feelings and reflections. This pace felt great and gave me clear evidence that longer and slower is the way from now on!

It was so lovely to be part of this extended community for a week, to have time in the evenings to get to know the other teachers, the students and the clown school team. What an honour to get to teach abroad and to be so beautifully supported. More of this sort of thing please!

Deep Play at Embercombe

Holly Stoppit
Image credit: The Deep Play gang, singing to the lake

At the end of August, I got to join forces with Collaborative Vocal Improvisation legend, Briony Greenhill to co-facilitate a 5-night immersive Deep Play retreat at a gorgeous retreat centre in Devon. 

After the first day of getting to know each other and meeting the land, we split the participants into two groups. Briony taught a range of vocal improvisation structures while I led explorations of embodied play, dipping into my big bag of clowning, fooling, movement, mindfulness and sensory / site-responsive play. On the final day, we came back together to find out how vocal improvisation meets body-based play meets the land and wow! What nonsense, what poignancy, what surprises we discovered! 

Developing on what we learned, we’ll be offering a similar retreat in Summer 2025!

November Fooling

Holly Stoppit
Image credit: Fools lying on the floor

Responding to demand, I organised another 5-day Fooling workshop in November at The Bristol Improv Theatre. I kept the spacious structure from April, but this time, I found ways to weave in a little IFS and outdoor play. Here’s how one of the participants described the week:

“You know children just express themselves? They don't have the voices that tell them no / mustn't / should? Yeah well this course (for me) was about peeling back the voices to get to that place of curiosity and play, and sharing that with the people on the course. You will laugh and cry and you will feel scared and also very safe! It will change your life.” 

I’ll be returning to Fooling in 2025, offering both beginners and advanced Fools courses.

Creative Facilitation Online 6 Week Course

In the autumn, I wanted to come back to my initial focus of 2024, which had been to support people to develop their skills in holding warm, compassionate, playful, safe space for other people to take creative risks and make discoveries. I wanted to be more explicit about this than I had been with Creative Clarity, so I developed a new 6-week online course called ‘Creative Facilitation.’ 

The Creative Facilitation 6-week course gave me a chance to reconnect with the content of The Well-Held Space, my 3-month creative facilitation course which I’d last run in 2022. It also allowed me to weave in some of the new learning I’d encountered from my sabbatical and through this year’s learning and development. Here’s how one of the participants desribed the course:

“A delve into the theory and practice of workshop facilitation, using insightful exercises to recognise your own role in holding, and participating in groups. Particularly helped empower me with confidence in holding a space when challenges occur.”

It was a really lovely group, most of whom I’d been working with through the one-to-ones. I really enjoyed discovering ways to deliver a range of theory, bringing it into the lived experience through embodiment, play and creative exploration. However - guess what? I wanted more time and space for exploration and discovery! This really is the catchphrase of my 2024, isn’t it? 

I’d like to try this course again, offering longer sessions and/or a longer course, maybe with a weekend intensive to begin… I will take the discoveries from this course back into The Well-Held Space, which starts in January. 

Guest teaching 

Holly Stoppit
Image credit: Two of the Acid Morris gang and all the soft toys

This year I got to create an assortment of bespoke workshops for different groups:

  • ‘Playing With The Unknown’ for Clown Spirit (online)
  • ‘Exploring Connection Through Play’ for Stepping Out Theatre Company in Bristol
  • ‘Mindful Play taster’ for Butterfly Soup in Cardiff
  • ‘Interactive Clowning’ a full day as part of Tori Lyons R&D of her autobiographical solo show, My Normal F**king Sex Life
  • ‘Playful audience interaction’ a full day for an Acid Techno Morris dancing troupe
  • ‘Embodied, playful and creative approaches to IFS’ at the IFS Open Space in Bristol
  • ‘Exploring internal and external systems’ for Dramatherapy Southwest’s Conference
  • ‘Exploring Inner Conflict through embodied and creative approaches to IFS’ for The British Association of Dramatherapists’ conference

I love creating workshops for people who already know each other, it’s possible to reach extraordinary depths of insight and ridiculousness in a relatively short time! I also love being invited in by people to do what I do best - helping rooms full of strangers to connect with themselves and each other through play and reflection. I’m open for more guest teaching in 2025!


I wrote a lot of blogs this year! I paid particular attention to charting my discoveries and development with Internal Family Systems, the evolution of my facilitation practice and my search for home. I love writing - I love the clarity it gives me, being able to find words for my experiences helps me to savour, extract the wisdom, let go and move on. I’ve had some lovely feedback on my writing this year and an extract from one of my blogs is getting published in a book! I’d like more of my words to find their way into print in 2025 - I’ll be looking for opportunities to write articles and chapters.

Moving, moving, moving

Holly Stoppit
Image credit: Holly in Glastonbury waving up at the top deck of the bus / Beccy Golding

2024 was an excellent year for subletting amazing houses in lovely places! Who knew there were so many people with such wonderful abodes in need of house-sitters for months at a time? 

I began 2024 in a sweet little house in central Cardiff, near to where I grew up. I’d moved there to keep a closer eye on my mum and I was loving the easy access to gorgeous green spaces, parks, mountains and the sea. It was great to catch up with old friends and to meet wonderful warm-hearted Welsh folks in dance classes, theatres and protests, but by March, my mum no longer needed so much support and I was missing my community in Bristol. So I headed back to St Werburghs, a bohemian area in the heart of the city I called home for 22 years. 

It was so nourishing to be back amongst my dear pals, but I was struggling with the pace of the city and living in such close proximity to the place where I’d lost my dream of having a family, so in May, I migrated to magical, mystical Glastonbury town for a couple of months. As an ancient pilgrimage site, Glastonbury was bursting with opportunities for healing and I said yes to everything that came my way!

In July and August I weighed up anchor and lived Nowhere and Everywhere, travelling and teaching and learning and living on the road for the summer. I landed back in Glastonbury for a big rest in September and finally in November, I traipsed back to central Bristol to give it another go. 

I’m subletting a great little flat here in the vibrant, creative hub of Bristol until June. I’ve moved into a different stage with my grief and it feels more possible to be here now. Hopefully by June I’ll know whether I can live a sustainable life in Bristol, or whether it’s time to head for the hills forever. Watch this space for the next instalment…

What supported me in 2024?

Holly Stoppit
Image credit: Holly lying on a sofa under neon lights spelling 'I love you every day'

Co-created research labs / retreats

  • In February, I co-created an artists’ retreat in West Wales with my friend and long time collaborator, Liz Clarke. We explored our hopes and dreams for our creative practices through walking, talking, writing, playing and resting. 
  • In March, I spent a day in a studio with the clown / fool / IFS mash up gang; Saskia Solomons and Sarah Burns and Angela Hayes (on Zoom). We are all IFS-trained clowns and fools and have meeting online for a few years to explore where these forms all meet. This was the first time we’d all met. I wrote a blog about what I discovered.
  • In August I co-created a 2-day creative reflection / dreaming process with Robyn Hambrook, where we explored our experiences of organising four clown conferences (2 online during the pandemic and 2 in-person in Bristol). Using play, art-work, writing, discussion and nature-connection, we reflected on the amazing events we’d created and how the we and the various organisers and volunteers had managed to pull them off, before dreaming into what we’d like to offer to the clown community in The Future and how we might do it more sustainably…
  • In August, I also attended my friend and collaborator Beccy Golding’s annual writing retreat. Every summer Beccy opens her home and garden to writers. After a morning check in, we go to our own spaces to write, read, rest or whatever we need to do for a few hours, gathering back to talk about our progress over a shared lunch. There’s another writing session in the afternoon, then we meet to celebrate the day’s triumphs in writing and resting. This summer we rebranded the retreat a ‘writers’ retreat’ rather than a ‘writing retreat,’ to give us more permission to do whatever we needed to do to support ourselves as writers.
  • The clown / fool / IFS mash up gang met again in Nottingham in August for four days of relentless experimentation in an incredible colourful clown house, belonging to a fellow clown who was on holiday. We moved, danced, embodied, played, sang, dressed up, discussed, arted and free-wrote with our inner voices in every room of the clown house. Serious play took place. Big learning happened. Multiple conclusions were drawn. More experiments were called for. We’ll meet again in 2025.
  • In November I got to spend a day in a studio with some of the fools of Beyond The Ridiculous. We each offered a playful exploration to help us warm up before we held space for each other to perform improvised solos. 

These co-created research labs are a really important part of my recovery from pathological Lone Wolfism (which is a key element to my tendency towards perpetual burnout). Through these labs I have been learning how to give and receive support in equal measures, how to trust, let go and be held. Learning to move between the roles of facilitator and participant is something I began to explore during my sabbatical and has been utterly revolutionary for me! To this end, there will be many more co-created labs in 2025. 


Dance / movement / play

Further IFS training / exploration

  • Self-paced learning with PESI: Integrating Internal Family Systems Therapy and Polyvagal Theory: Alexia Rothman, Working With Suicide and Self-Harm: From an Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy Perspective: Frank Anderson, Clinical Applications of Internal Family Systems Therapy: Step-by-Step Procedures for Healing Traumatic Wounds and Alleviating Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Addiction and More: Alexia Rothman, Essential Skills of Internal Family Systems Therapy: A Step-by-Step Guide for Trauma, Anxiety, Attachment Wounding, and More: Cece Sykes, Alexia Rothman, Nancy Sowell, Frank Anderson
  • ‘Dreamwild’dramatherapy / IFS retreat in Glastonbury with Dawn, Henri and Gill
  • The IFS Open Space at Penny Brohn near Bristol
  • The IFS International Conference online
  • IFS in nature day with Zac and Annie of Part of Nature Workshops


Thanks for all the Support!

I’m so grateful to everyone who has supported me this year, in no particular order, thank you to: all the teachers and facilitators (above) who have held space for me, my marvellous therapist and two clinical supervisors, the people who have let me stay in their beautiful houses, my kind and generous friends and fam, my inspiring and compassionate collaborators, my glamorous workshop assistants: Ed, Aisha, Cat, Spud, Livvy, Saskia, Sarah, Lucy, all the people who have commissioned and hosted my workshops, all my wonderful clients and workshop participants and you, my dear readers.

So did I figure out how to live a life free from burnout?

Hmmmm, I’d say this is a work in progress! I’m so grateful for this experimental year of trying stuff out and finding out how it felt. I definitely received some clear indicators towards how to live a more sustainable life. The key element seems to be: slow down and offer longer, deeper courses!

What makes my heart sing is exploring ways to bring IFS into the body through play and creativity, the meeting point of Fooling and IFS,  taking the work outdoors, creative facilitation training, collaboration and co-facilitation, guest teaching, one-to-one work and writing.

What really drains me is the admin and marketing. I really miss working with my administrator, but while I’ve been in this research and development stage, it’s been unclear about whether I’ll stick with the workshops or do a PHD / get a job, so I’ve been handling all my own admin for now. I’ve found automated systems to help me with the one-to-one work, but the group workshops still take a lot of work. If the workshops are to be my focus, I’ll consider bringing an administrator back on board. 

Developing all this work without a secure base has been hard! Moving house every couple of months was a great idea on paper: to give myself copious opportunities to try out living in different places, to help me make an embodied decision about where to root down, but in actuality, it’s been totally exhausting! No sooner do I land in a place, I’m looking for the next sublet, this takes a huge amount of time and energy that I could be putting into other things. I’m really glad to have this place ’til June and I'm hopeful that I can find a more permanent base after that. 2025 is the year when I'll settle down, at least for a while!

In early 2025, I will continue with the one-to-ones, run The Well-Held Space creative facilitation training in Bristol and co-create a range of creative research labs, as well as researching PHD’s and dreaming into a new creative project exploring the theme of childlessness. I've been accepted on an IFS level 2 training from March to June and then I want to spend the summer offering longer workshops and residential retreats (Wanna collaborate or help organise one of these? Get in touch!). I hope by September I will have clear direction for my work going forwards...

In 2025 I vow to not work to my maximum capacity - to leave some energy for me! I vow to value my life outside of work and to put energy into the people, places and activities that I adore. I WANT TO DANCE, SING, PLAY, LAUGH AND CONNECT WITH BEAUTIFUL HUMANS and I want to get more involved in my local community, immersing myself in arts, culture and activism.

Thanks for reading and I hope 2025 brings you all that you dream of!

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