Call Out For A Supervisee
Sep 29 2021
Last weekend I started my training as a Creative Supervisor with Relight here in Bristol. It's a 9-month experiential course which will give me all I need to be able to skilfully supervise creative arts therapists. It will also up my game as a mentor / creative consultant to workshop facilitators.
As part of my training I need to find a supervisee to embark on a supervision journey with me. You will get 15 hours of low-cost supervision between now and June. This can be in person in Bristol or online on Zoom at a time that works for both of us (not weekends).
Ideally we'd find a regular slot – every two weeks - and stick to it through the next 9 months – there can be some wriggle room for holidays etc.
We will work creatively and dynamically, utilising my existing tool kit (discussion, dance / movement, play, clowning, character-work, voicework, creative writing, artwork, dramatherapy, compassionate inquiry, the clearness committee, action learning, focussing, mindfulness) as well as incorporating tools I learn along my supervision journey.
I may write about our sessions in my essay and share details with my supervisor and learning group – I will anonymise any personal information about you.
Could this be for you?
About You
You need to be a trained dramatherapist or a fairly experienced workshop facilitator (sorry, no students)
You need to conducting creative therapeutic / self-development sessions with adults in any context
You might have a particular interest in mental health
You might have a particular interest in clowning or play
About me
I am a Bristol-based dramatherapist, facilitator, director, lecturer, writer and clown. For more info about me, check out my website.
What Happens Next?
If you think you'd like to be my supervisee, please email me at Tell me a bit about you, tell me about your work and tell me how these supervision sessions might support you.
Deadline Tuesday 12th October.
I'll make my selection after that and let everyone know either way.